Hammock — We Will Rise Again Original Game Soundtrack 2018 Torrent

This compilation was born through the love for cooperation and collaboration between various musicians from beyond Europe (and beyond). Information technology took some time to gather them all together, simply the final product was worth the wait. This release contains many unlike styles in varying degrees of darkness. Enjoy your sonic journey through DARK EUROPA!

released August 26, 2018

Allerseelen [AT]

Allerseelen has been agile in the industrial & apocalyptic folk genres since 1988. The music is a combination of industrial & folkloristic elements. Band leader Gerhard Hallstatt has worked with many invitee musicians & vocalists to aggrandize the sound of Allerseelen over the years.

world wide web.facebook.com/allerseelen.allerseelen


Chaos Research [FI]

Chaos Research is a neo-classical darkwave duo from Finland. The bands' 4th album was released in Feb 2018.




Choronzon [NO]

Choronzon is non an "occult themed" projection. It IS the thing, it is not merely near information technology, or influenced by it. That which was open will close, that which was shut down will open out. Prediction is futile. Surrender. But "give up" properly... "Those

who know don't tell. Those who tell don't know."

world wide web.choronzon.org


Extreme Chromo [GB]

"Creative fist: Extreme Chromo - concept by Dr Hyatt. Cheers to Original Falcon Press for scale tools for unique freak individuals to calibrate constructively. Chromo kids kick & screaming clawing from street smarts survivalist hell, plough suffering to success. Using principles of extreme living, hard work & determination to avoid self-defeat. "

"Try every bit I might, I can't come up with anything. To pigeonhole you in 280 characters…I just can't do it. "

Nick Tharcher



Jurica Jelić [HR]

Jurica Jelić is a vocaliser, composer and multi-instrumentalist from Republic of croatia. He played in the band "The Alibor", played live with the band "Vještice", created film and theatre scores with Srdjan Sacher and produced/recorded albums for various bands & artists.



Laguz Rune [FI]

Four ancient spirits have risen to pay homage to their northern heritage by utilizing traditional instruments to create atmospheric neofolk soundscapes.



Dearest The Ghost [It]

Love The Ghost is an original music/video projection created by Andrea L., songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and video-maker. Sound-

wise, Love The Ghost is heavily influenced by Post Punk, New Wave, Goth Rock and Hard-Rock.

www.lovetheghost.european union



Miel Noir [DE/BG]

Miel Noir is the project of Dimo Dimov (Svarrogh, Allerseelen, Sturmpercht…) and Marcel P. (Allerseelen, Sagittarius, Fahl…). They comprehend a wide diverseness of styles ranging from Neoclassic and Dark Ambient to Gothic Rock equally well as Industrial, Electro-EBM and Avantgarde Popular.

world wide web.miel-noir.net



P. Emerson Williams [NO]

Necrofuturist Highwire Artist. Every person known to exist continued with this demon in human form has been aggress by madness and disaster. Those who dare speak may signal to the few who survive his acquaintance who to all appearances retain the style of sanity and ascend to massive power.



Phobos Reactor [DE]

Phobos Reactor is a German language Dark Electro project of the Insect Plasma front human and mastermind Oliver Southward. Pure electronic sound, forged on vintage machines, focused on dark ambient.



snowW.Wwhite [GB]

snowW.Wwhite is the merely martial female solo project known to exist world-wide and based in Greater London. Playful melodies with martial drums, choral sounds and industrial dark undertones are the trademarks of snowW.Wwhite.




TONTTU is dedicated to the eradication of Gnomes worldwide. Music should be made by these rules as follows:

Gnomes volition get offensive and aggressive equally they listen to it, sympathizers shall run for their lives and seek cover...



Veil Of Thorns [NO]

Veil of Thorns is an ever evolving concept born of the fevered brain of P. Emerson Williams. Amid the growing list of collaborators one can find authors, actors and musicians of many genres, reflecting the scope of what P. Emerson

Williams calls Necrofuturist art.


Winterhart [DE]

Winterhart is the projection of the two Trip the light fantastic or Die members Falgalas & Wagner who take recently re-formed DoD under the name Darkness on Need. Winterhart is inspired past Neofolk and Martial Industrial sounds and historic themes such as the ascent and fall of nifty civilizations.




Zigfried Totengnomentanzen [U.s.a.]


musicoin.org/nav/creative person/0x56c47a98e6a12d0dde0310ff1d94c680e6d55402



Source: http://www.veilofthorns.com/search/label/music

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